Compassion, Justice & Gospel Proclamation
We believe one of the natural results of a life lived with Jesus indwelt by the Holy Spirit is a desire to tangibly love and serve one's neighbor. The church must understand itself as about the proclamation of the good news of Jesus, and this gospel proclamation is complemented by acts of compassion and justice--practical expressions of the loving heart of God for our neighbors. Below you will find both local ministry partners that help us serve in Portland and national/global ministry partners that are proclaiming the gospel faithfully beyond.
Local Ministry Partners
Door of Hope Northeast has identified a handful of local ministry partners that serve vulnerable populations in Portland with wisdom, skill, compassion, and a gospel-infused approach. Our church contributes financially monthly to each and encourages our people to give their time, energy and resources to them, as well. If you want to get involved in what God is doing through any of these partners, reach out via the contacts below.
Faithful Friends
"Faithful Friends is a community-based mentoring program that provides children support and stability through relationships that encourage personal growth and inspire hope.
A Faithful Friends mentor is a caring, responsible, adult volunteer who serves as a trusted friend, support and guide to a vulnerable youth in their community for a period of at least one year. A mentor builds a relationship based on trust and acceptance with their mentee, which provides a foundation for positive mental, spiritual, emotional and physical growth."
CONTACT: Cameron Heger
First Image
"First Image is a network of three pregnancy clinics (Ava Health) in the Greater Portland area that offers women with unsupported pregnancy medically accurate information about their options, limited ultrasounds, and STD/STI testing and treatment, at no-cost.
First Image exists to be a life-affirming presence in Greater Portland by serving those most at risk for abortion with medically professional women’s health and pregnancy support services so they can make informed decisions and receive holistic care for their ongoing pregnancy needs."
CONTACT: Cameron Heger
Portland Rescue Mission
"Since it's founding in 1949, ​the Portland Rescue Mission has had a tireless commitment to breaking the cycle of homelessness, addiction and despair in the lives of hurting people in need. Today, we still offer emergency services of food and shelter at our original downtown location at the Burnside Shelter. And we’ve expanded those services to include 24/7 restrooms, showers, clothing, mail service, referrals and community activities in the Guest Care Center.
Thanks to generous community support, we’ve expanded our ministry to include a wide range of programs designed to meet a hurting person at their point of need and help them toward their journey home. This includes our 3-month Connect program for men and women, and our New Life Ministries for men and women at The Harbor and Shepherd’s Door, respectively."
CONTACT: Cameron Heger
Portland Rescue Mission website
Refugee Care
"Refugee Care Collective serves refugee families and youth who are resettled through the United States Refugee Resettlement Program. We primarily serve families – women, men, youth, and seniors – who were forced to flee their home countries due to war, violence, or persecution.
Most refugees arrive with few possessions, often no more than what can fit into a suitcase. They have left family and community and now find themselves in Oregon, far from their home and familiar culture. Many have little English language skills, a limited understanding of how to navigate life in a new country, and minimal resources to rebuild their lives.
Refugee Care Collective was founded with the mission to fill these gaps in care through both immediate assistance programs (restart kits, restock kits, housing assistance) and family/youth mentorship."
CONTACT: Cameron Heger
Global Ministry Partners
Door of Hope Northeast is a particular local church that finds itself in Portland, Oregon. As such, our ministry priority is Portland, where we live, worship, and serve. At the same time, Jesus’s great commission (Matt. 28:18-20) pushes his disciples to care about and support the work of taking the good news to the ends of the earth. As part of our strategy to honor this global aspect of Jesus’s teaching, we form partnerships with particular leaders and leadership teams who, we believe, can effectively proclaim the gospel, make disciples, and help establish new churches beyond Portland. Door of Hope Northeast supports these partners in a few ways and encourages our people to support them individually, as well.
Boise Gospel Church
Boise Gospel Church is a new church plant starting in Boise, Idaho. They exist to proclaim Jesus Christ for God’s glory and for Boise’s good.
Planting pastor John Barry Van Hoogen, his wife Jessie (DoH Northeast's former kids' coordinator!), and their kids were part of Door of Hope Southeast and Northeast for several years before moving to Boise with a vision for planting a new church in the place they grew up in, know, and love.
New Ministry Partnership
We are currently working on establishing a new global ministry partnership. More information to come soon!​