Kids' Ministry
Kids' ministry meets during our 10AM Sunday service. Check in starts at 9:50AM downstairs in the Family Room. We are currently serving infants through 5th graders!
The mission for our Kids Ministry is to introduce the children to Jesus, foster that relationship, and through games, activities, stories, songs, and crafts, provide concepts that will shape a biblical view of the world for our kids on Sunday mornings. With Jesus as our example, Door of Hope Northeast's Kids Ministry seeks to demonstrate the heart of God for children. We have an amazing team of faithful volunteers who facilitate this time with the kids in age appropriate ways.
If you have any questions, please email our Interim Kids Ministry Coordinator Kaleen Anderson at kaleen@doorofhopepdx.org.
This room is for babies up through age 1. We strive to create a peaceful, fun environment for the babies with our highest ratio of adults. If preferred, parents can be alerted to come change diapers.
2-3s Room
This room is for kids ages 2-3. We do not change diapers in this room. Parents will be alerted for diaper/pull-up changes if necessary. Children will be invited to sit and listen to a story and may participate in simple crafts or activities.
Pre-K through 1st Grade
This room is for kids ages 4 through first grade. Children are developmentally ready to listen to and engage in a continuous block of worship, Bible lesson, discussion and prayer time in addition to fun games and free play.
2nd through 5th Grade
Our 2nd through 5th graders get the chance to engage in complex and fun whole class and small group discussions about the lesson.
They participate in reading scripture and group prayer time.
2nd through 5th graders are invited to worship with the adults until they are dismissed to their room for their lesson when the sermon begins.
Middle School
​Helping to nurture a child's relationship with God is an incredible gift and privilege. Fundamentally, though, we believe that parents have the best and most impactful role to play. As parents shepherd their kids, our kids ministry serves as (hopefully valuable!) reinforcement. Upon entering middle school, students are encouraged to join the main Sunday gathering and continue learning and worshiping alongside their parents, other adults and youth. They are also invited to participate in the Door of Hope Youth Ministry (see below).
Policies & Procedures
The safety of our children is an absolute, non-negotiable priority. If you would like to view the Kids Ministry policies and procedures, click here. ​If you have any questions, please email Kaleen Anderson.
Door of Hope Youth
6th-12th graders are invited to join the adults for worship in the main sanctuary on Sunday mornings. We want our students to increasingly feel like they are fully part of our community at Door of Hope Northeast! As they learn over time to belong to our local church our prayer is that they will be set up well to continue to value the local church after they graduate high school and head into the next stage of life.
On the 2nd Sunday of each month, we have a special time for this age group called "Donut Chats" in the cry room upstairs from 9:30-10:00am. This is a simple time for the kids to grab a donut, hang out with a few adult leaders, get to know one another, and spend a few minutes in prayer.
Wednesday nights, students are invited to participate in Door of Hope Youth, which is hosted at Door of Hope Southeast but welcomes students from Northeast, as well. Students spend time hanging out and building relationships, as well as reading the Scriptures aloud, discussing, praying, and sharing food.​ We encourage students to invite friends – everyone is welcome!​
When do we meet?
During the school year we typically meet Wednesday nights at the Door of Hope Southeast building (3210 SE Taylor St.) from 6:30-8:30PM. Incoming sixth graders are welcomed in each September.
First time attending? Connect with Tsion and let him know you'll be coming!
Occasionally we'll get the youth families from Door of Hope Northeast together to build relationship with one another.
Leadership & Contact
Door of Hope Youth is lead by Tsion Reid, the director of Youth Ministry at Door of Hope Southeast, and a team of committed volunteer leaders. They all have a deep desire to see students experience the love of Jesus in community.
Reach out to Tsion at tsion@doorofhopepdx.org for more information and to opt-in to the DoH Youth newsletter.