We believe the Scriptures are the Spirit-inspired word of God and that followers of Jesus ought to imitate Him in our commitment to them. Biblical preaching is one way we come together as a community to immerse ourselves in the Scriptures that we would have regular avenues to listen, learn, and discuss together. Listen & subscribe at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Soundcloud, Google Podcasts. Find videos of each of our sermons on YouTube.

Resources by Subject
Occasionally we will produce special resources that supplement sermons, classes, events, etc. that will be archived here.
Many of the songs we sing have been written within the Door of Hope Family of Churches. Much of that music has been released on the Deeper Well label. You can also subscribe to the Deeper Well podcast for special live recordings, available on Apple Podcasts and Soundcloud. And here is a Spotify playlist of Deeper Well songs that we regularly sing together.
We also publish videos of individual songs to a growing playlist on our YouTube channel. This playlist is a great way to familiarize yourself with many of the songs we sing regularly.