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Sunday Gatherings

Our Sunday worship gathering is a sacred opportunity every week to gather our whole church community in one place at one time to encounter the presence of God as we connect, pray, sing, learn from the Scriptures, celebrate new baptisms, receive the Lord's Supper, and reaffirm our commitments to Jesus, to one another, and to our call to go out into our world to love, serve, and make disciples. Our community is far more than simply what happens on Sunday, but Sunday is a crucial piece of our life together.


We gather at 10am at 831 NE Fremont. Coffee is available at 9:30 and kids can be checked in to their classrooms as early as 9:50. Visit us any time.

What Can I expect?

We are a relatively small, intimate community. Our Sunday gatherings at Northeast involve a simple liturgy built around connection, prayer, song, the reading and teaching of Scripture, and the Lord's supper, all for the purpose of coming together as a community of faith to together declare our love for Jesus as we encounter Him through His Spirit.


Free coffee, tea, and water are always available. We encourage everyone to come early and to stay late that Sundays might be a time of genuine connection with one another.


Visitors and guests are always welcome!


Is there childcare or a kids ministry?

Kids' Ministry is available during our 10am service for infants through 5th grade. The mission of our Kids Ministry is to introduce the kids to Jesus, foster that relationship, and through games, activities, stories, songs, and crafts, provide concepts that will shape a biblical view of the world for our kids. With Jesus as our example, Door of Hope Kids Ministry seeks to demonstrate the heart of God for children. We have an amazing team of faithful volunteers who facilitate this time with the kids in age appropriate ways. Learn more at this link.



There is an ADA compliant ramp accessible through the parking lot on the North side of the building which allows access into the main sanctuary. There is an ADA restroom on the main floor.


Unfortunately, the age of the building doesn't currently allow for easy access to the basement for kids' ministry, but volunteers are always available to help however we can. 


If you're in need of ​special arrangements don't hesitate to reach out to a member of our team.


We no longer offer an open livestream of our services in order to pursue our values around intimate community. We do offer the livestream to anyone in our community with special needs or circumstances. Reach out to Cameron to get access.


Parking and Transit

We have a small parking lot behind our church building and parish house on 9th Avenue available. Otherwise, there is plenty of street Parking on Fremont, 9th, and the other nearby streets. Please be considerate of our neighbors and take care not to block driveways.


There are bus routes running near the church on NE Fremont and NE Martin Luther King Jr.. 


We have a few bike racks available, as well.


Sunday Gatherings

Serve on Sundays

The Welcome Ministries at Door of Hope are a direct expression of our desire to live a life of service, just as Jesus did. We have currently structured the preparation for Sunday services into 4 volunteer teams that all serve to create a warm and hospitable environment for the community and visitors. Joining one of these teams is a great way to connect with and serve our church:

Serve on Sundays

Coffee & Communion Team

​The Coffee & Communion Team is an integral part of our Sunday gathering. This team takes care of all the practical tasks associated with preparing coffee, tea, and communion in order to make space for attendees to experience hospitality and celebrate the sacrament of communion. This team also aides in creating a hospitable atmosphere by offering fresh-brewed coffee to all Sunday church attendees and connecting them to any additional resources they may be seeking.


TASKS: Brewing coffee and setting up coffee station essentials before the service. Being a friendly face in the coffee area during the start of the gathering. Restocking the communion cups at each of the communion stations. Cleaning up and washing all supplies and stations used for coffee.


TIME COMMITMENT: Once­ or twice a month during one service.


CONTACT: Geoff Mitchell


Media Team

To serve the church by offering digital visual guides in the service by displaying song lyrics for the worship and notes for the sermon, as well as running our simple live stream.


TASKS: Come 30 minutes before service to pray with the worship team and go over the service order. Follow along during the service to correctly display things at the proper time. Oversee the live stream.


TIME COMMITMENT: Once per month. There are also opportunities to serve at other events going on at the NE Fremont building.


CONTACT: Cameron Heger


Prayer Team

A community devoted to Jesus is a community devoted to prayer. The Prayer Team seeks to cover the various needs of the church in prayer, both during the service with people and occasionally during the week through intercessory prayer. Do you have a gift of prayer, prophecy, encouragement, care, or shepherding? The prayer team could be a great fit for you to encourage our community on Sundays!


TASKS: Praying before the service individually and with the prayer team. Praying with/guiding attendees in prayer during the reflective time of worship after the sermon.


TIME COMMITMENT: Once ­or twice a month during one service.


CONTACT: Cameron Heger


Kids' Ministry

Our heart is that children would experience the love of Jesus in community, and become devoted followers of him! Our team of dedicated volunteers play a vital role in making age-appropriate Bible teaching and activities available to all ages at Door of Hope. Learn more at this link.


TASKS: The tasks of our children’s workers are varied but generally involve setting up of rooms, receiving children, and safely and lovingly guiding them through the lessons and activities. Some of the more specialized tasks include leading teams, teaching/storytelling, leading worship, and preparing craft.


TIME COMMITMENT: Typically once per month.


CONTACT: Cameron Heger


831 NE Fremont St
Portland, OR 97212​​

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